With WM Insights, you can see how your brand’s performing.
WM Insights
Having insight into your brand is broken out into five (5) tabs. Each tab surfaces specific information that allows you to gauge your brand's performance.
To learn more, the sections below describe the five (5) tabs and what they mean to you.
The Overview shows your ranking across all of Weedmaps:
Overall rank:
Placement overview: Number of verified menu items retailers have added to their menus
Awareness overview: Number of page views
Engagement overview: Number of clicks
Conversion overview: Number of orders
Number of brand favorites added in the last 30 days
Total of all brand favorites
Top state:
Conversion stats by state
Top category:
Conversion stats for your top category
To determine the awareness and engagement rankings, brands are evaluated by page views and mouse clicks or user taps on brand events:
Page views:
Menu item details
Brand product details
Brand details
Brand products
Brand product reviews
Clicks or taps:
Menu item(s)
Add to cart
Search suggestion(s)
Clicks or taps on your brand
Product insights
The Product insights tab surfaces your brand's performance by state and top category.
You can monitor your top 10 products based on the following:
Verified menu items
Page views
The data is sorted in descending order within each section and can be filtered by state (available options are based on your Listing Plus account).
Best practices for each section:
Placement (number of verified menu items): Ensure your product catalog and verifications are consistently optimized.
Awareness (number of page views): Leverage WM featured listings, top-of-funnel display ads, and the WM Ad Network to drive brand awareness.
Engagement (number of clicks): Optimize your brand page and leverage WM middle-of-funnel display ads and Weedmaps CRM Notification Center beta to drive brand engagement.
Conversion (number of orders): Leverage WM Ad Network to drive brand orders.
Industry insights
The Industry insights tab shows how you're doing compared to the top brands within your top category and state(s).
You can monitor the top 10 industry brands and products based on the following:
Retailer insights
Retailer insights identify prospects, upsells, and restock opportunities with top retailers. You can determine that the right products are in the right place and monitor consistent inventory levels.
Price comparison
The Price comparison tab surfaces the minimum and maximum price range of your top 15 brand products - with the ability to drill down retailer details.
The price spread calculates the gap by dividing the minimum by the maximum price. You can use this chart to spot-check your pricing with the most verified menu items across our retailer network:
Brand sell-through at a glance (this data is across all of Weedmaps):
State coverage map: Displays retailers carrying one of your brand's verified menu items across all states.
Retailer percentage coverage: Calculates retailers that carry your brand divided by total retailers across all states.
Order-Enabled retailer percentage: Calculates retailers that carry your brand and are orders-enabled divided by total orders-enabled retailers across all states.
TIP: If a state is listed that you don't have a license in, go to Manage Verifications and take action accordingly.
Retailer distribution opportunities: Lists the top 25 retailers in your state and category - indicating if they are carrying your products.
TIP: Identify retailers that need to be linked in your Manage Verifications or add them to your list of potential prospects.
Your top 10 retailers: List of top 10 retailers carrying your products with details on their products.
TIP: Identify opportunities to upsell and restock your top 10 products that customers actively seek and consider.
Menu item share by retailer: A list of retailers carrying your products with a calculation of your menu share compared to other brands.
TIP: Target and map out opportunities to increase menu share at your retailers.