Bundle discounts enable you to offer customers a special price when they purchase a minimum quantity of selected items. One popular example of a bundle discount is the "Buy 3 and Get 25% Off Each Item" deal.
How to create bundle discounts
Select the New Promotion Type:
Go to the promotions section and choose the new promotion type option called "Bundles."
Set Up the Bundle Requirements:
Specify the minimum quantity the shopper must purchase to qualify for the bundle deal.
Select the specific items, categories, or brands that will be eligible for the discount.
Define the Discount Details:
Choose the type of discount you want to offer:
Percent discount on individual items
Dollar discount on individual items
Dollar discount on the entire cart
Fixed price for the bundle
Complete the Form:
Fill out the remaining fields in the form to finalize the promotion.
Publish the Discount:
Once all details are completed, publish your discount to make it available for customers to shop.